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9.6. Exterior Lighting Definitions

This section is included in your selections.

The following definitions apply specifically to the administration, interpretation, and enforcement of the regulations in Section 5.8, Exterior Lighting.

Class 1 Lighting

Lighting used for outdoor sales or eating areas, assembly or repair areas, signage, recreational facilities, and other similar applications where color rendition is important to preserve the effectiveness of the activity.

Class 2 Lighting

Lighting used for illumination of walkways, roadways, equipment yards, parking lots, and outdoor security where general illumination for safety or security of the grounds is the primary purpose.

Class 3 Lighting

Lighting used for decorative effects such as architectural illumination, flag and monument lighting, and illumination of landscaping elements.

Direct Illumination

Illumination resulting from light emitted directly from a lamp, luminaire, or reflector and is not light diffused through translucent signs or reflected from other surfaces such as the ground or building faces.

Fully Shielded Light Fixture

A light fixture that is shielded in such a manner that light rays emitted by the fixture, either directly from the lamp or indirectly from the fixture, are projected below a horizontal plane running through the lowest point on the fixture where light is emitted.

Figure 9-2: Examples of Fully Shielded Light Fixtures

fully shielded light fixtures

Installed Light Fixture

A light fixture attached or fixed in place, whether or not connected to a power source, of any outdoor light fixture.

Light Pollution

Any adverse effect of manmade light.

Light Trespass

Light spill falling over property lines that illuminates adjacent grounds or buildings in an objectionable manner.


A unit used to measure the actual amount of visible light which is produced by a lamp (in bulb-based lighting fixtures) or light fixture (in LED-based lighting fixtures) as specified by the manufacturer. Initial lumens refers to the total amount of visible light produced by a particular lighting device just after it has stabilized but before depreciation (loss of operational efficiency) has started.


The complete lighting assembly, less the support assembly.

Motion-Sensing Security Lighting

Any fixture designed, and properly adjusted, to illuminate an area around a residence or other building by means of switching on a lamp when motion is detected inside the area or perimeter, and switching the lamp off when the detected motion ceases.

Multi-Class Lighting

Lighting used for more than one purpose such that the use falls within more than one class as defined for Class 1, 2, or 3 lighting. Multi-class lighting must conform to the standards that apply to the most restrictive included class.

Narrow-Spectrum Amber LED (NSA LED)

A light-emitting diode with a spectrum similar to that shown in the graph below; to meet requirements of Section 5.8, a Narrow-Spectrum Amber LED must have a peak wavelength between 590 and 595 nm and a full width at 50 percent spectral intensity no greater than 15 nm. Also called “narrow-band amber,” “limited-wavelength amber,” “590 nm amber,” “turtle-friendly.” Note that the appearance of any of these terms in product literature is insufficient to confirm the spectrum characteristics described above; a graph of the spectrum is required to allow determination of the peak wavelength and full width standards above.

Outdoor Light Fixture

An outdoor illuminating device, outdoor lighting or reflective surface, lamp or similar device, permanently installed or portable, used for illumination, decoration, or advertisement. Such devices shall include, but are not limited to, lights used for:

(a) Buildings and structures;

(b) Recreational areas;

(c) Parking lot lighting;

(d) Landscape lighting;

(e) Architectural lighting;

(f) Signs (advertising or other);

(g) Street lighting;

(h) Product display area lighting;

(i) Building overhangs and open canopies; and

(j) Security lighting.

Partially Shielded Light Fixture

A fixture shielded in such a manner that no more than 10 percent of the light emitted directly from the lamp or indirectly from the fixture is projected at an angle above the horizontal, as determined by photometric test or certified by the manufacturer. Luminaires mounted under canopies or other structures such that the surrounding structure effectively shields the light in the same manner are also considered partially shielded for the purposes of this Code.

Phosphor-Converted Amber LED (PCA LED)

A light-emitting diode with a spectrum similar to that shown in the graph below. PC Amber LED products are highly variable; to meet requirements of Section 5.8, a PC Amber LED must have a scotopic to photopic ratio of 0.45 or less. Also called “PC Amber” LED.


A powerful exterior light with a concentrated and far-reaching beam that can be aimed, turned, or otherwise moved to direct light to a particular area.

Security Lighting

See “Class 2 lighting.”

Unshielded Fixture

Any fixture that allows light to be emitted above the horizontal directly from the lamp or indirectly from the fixture or a reflector.


Lighting placed or designed to throw illumination upward.