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1.2. Purpose

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The general purpose of this Code is to promote the public health, safety, and welfare by providing appropriate and reasonable controls for the development and use of lands in Sedona, while also protecting the rights of property owners. This Code also is intended to:

A. Implement the policies, goals, and strategies adopted by the City of Sedona, including those set forth in the Sedona Community Plan and other adopted plans;

B. Establish and apply zoning districts guided by the Sedona Community Plan that regulate the location, height, bulk, and size of buildings; provide for a variety of housing types; reduce congestion; and prevent the overcrowding of land;

C. Safeguard and enhance the appearance and quality of development in Sedona;

D. Facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, schools, parks, and other public infrastructure requirements; and

E. Sensitively fit the built environment into the natural environment with minimal disturbance to Sedona’s natural ecosystem by promoting planning, design, and development that:

(1) Is compatible with, preserves, and enhances sensitive natural areas such as steep slopes, floodplains, watercourses, drainage ways, and ridge lines; and natural topographic features such as rock outcrops and trees;

(2) Clusters dwellings and other structures to help save larger areas of open space and preserving natural terrain, minimizing public infrastructure costs, and preventing public safety hazards;

(3) Minimizes adverse visual impacts on view corridors and takes advantage of the natural terrain, as well as provides for public safety and human enjoyment;

(4) Minimizes construction of building pads in sensitive areas and steep slopes;

(5) Encourages the placement of roads and driveways so that they follow natural topography wherever possible and minimize cutting and grading; and

(6) Promotes building designs and construction practices that are sustainable, provide for solar or other alternate energy systems and are adaptable to multiple uses for extended building life cycles.